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Dear Friends,


Thank you for kind support and love. Your kind consideration gave us strength. Your understanding and trust are the strong encouragement to our progress. Your care and support are source of our growth. 


Honored and pleased to welcome you to visit our new Houston Office:


6161 Savoy Drive Suite 1030,

Wells Fargo Bank Tower

Houston, TX 77036, USA


You can reached us by phone 713-785-9588 or cell phone 713-397-8588 

or website:


Please kindly forward to those who might be interested. Thanks again for kind favor and support, Looking forward to seeing you there,


As Hurricane Matthew damaged some family houses, please volunteer/donate in American Red Cross for Disaster Relief.

We wish you and your family a happy, healthy, peaceful and prosperous life with great blessings! 

© 2024 Copyright Advanced Energy and Environmental Company 7G Inc. Honorably created by H.Mei with

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