Advanced Energy & Environment Company 7G Inc.
We provide our clients with corporate strategy, operational consulting and project management. The focus on 4G Exploration Solution which include geology, geophysics, geochemistry and geomicrobiology, petrophysics, peotroleum engineering consulting. We also cooperate with our partners to provide best solution of identifying well location to realize cost effectiveness and high quality well. "4G Exploration, Drill Less Wells, Drill Better Wells." We are pleased to welcome you to join us to help more friends to be successful in oil & gas industry. Especially in the downturn "cold winter" of petroleum industry, we would provide the innovative technology to clients as one technology option. The company has accomplished 100 projects in China and other countries. We also provide eco-chemical products which can be used in oil/gas development to protect tubing from corrosion caused by water injection. More wonders are on the way... Thanks for your kind attention.
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