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News on Oct-13th, 2016: Musician Bob Dylan won the Nobel literautre Prize. More details can be seen in New York Times Website

Dr. James Allison

Tasuku Honjo

News on Oct-1st, 2018: Dr.James Allison of UT MD Anderson Cancer Center and Tasuku Honjo of Kyoto University won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discoveries that have revolutionized cancer care. More details can be seen in New Times Website
Oct-2nd , 2018: Arthur Ashkin of Bell Lab Research won the Nobel Prize in Physics "for the optical tweezers and their application to biological systems". He is 96 yr old scientist who is the oldest Nobel Prize winner. More details can be seen in Bell Lab Website

Frances H. Arnold 

George P. Smith

Gregory P. Winter

Oct-3rd , 2018: Frances H. Arnold of  California Institute of Technology in Pasadena won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry."for directed evolution of enzymes". She is the only fifth woman who won a chemistry Nobel Prize since 2009. She shared Nobel Prize this year with George Smith and Gregory Winter. More details can be seen in The New York Times Link

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