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Excellent CEO Professional Project

Mainly help US and Chinese oil & gas company with kind hearts to communicate with each other and learn the best practices of each other and promote the US-China Innovative Technology and culture exchange, provide clients Technical discussions/ negotiates, international conferences, educations etc. to strengthern relationship between America and China.

Build up Fragrance Castle Project

In view of the current petroleumn industry, hundreds of thousands of people were laid off. Cooperating with church friends, we set up the wechat group to build up fragrance castle project. The target is to help people build confidence and overcome depression with bible verses and inspring stories with love.  

US-China Project


Actively cooperate with partners to implement AE&E's innovative technology in their frontier projects and acreage. Hope we can contribute more on M&A analysis for customers. Value of our integrated solution can help improve the successful rate of drilling commercial wells to 80% and above from general speaking 30-40%.

Angel Project

Donate some earnings to non-profilt organizations, church to help people. support cancer insistute research, support cancer patients better recovery and volunteering on Red Cross to help people suffered from natural disasters.

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