Honored and blessed to instruct course in CCM for newly US immigrant people who are keeping study spirit in America and learning English, Computer Science etc. Director Mrs. Grace Yee and I discussed about the teaching material and goal of the teaching is to guide/help new immigrants (senior friends) to live better in Houston with IPAD and communication Skills. Thanks and Honor Lord for warm-hearted Chrisitian Sisters and Brothers to volunteering in community service. So glad to be one of them encourage seniors live younger, happier with healthier life style.
Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. (1 Thessalonians 5:15)

IPAD Teaching in 中信 (CCM)
CCM Course Address: Houston CCM Gospel Center
9600 Bellaire Blvd., Suite 136, Houston, TX 77036
IPAD APP's Instruction Material
Class Brief self introduction (10-15minutes)
A . IPAD-Skype Training 1st week:

IPAD: Skype I (Skype New Users)
Install Skype – Download Skype to your iPad.
Join Skype – Get a free account to enjoy instant messages and free calls and video calls with your friends.
Sign in to Skype – Sign in and add your friends as contacts, then call, video call and instant message them, wherever you are.
1) Install Skype (Free Download in App Store)
Skype on your iPad is free to download, just like Skype on your computer (the App Store might ask you to confirm your payment information with your password, but you're not being charged). To get the Skype for iPad application:
Open App Store on your iPad.
Search for the Skype for iPad app.
Start downloading Skype for iPad.
2) Join Skype
You can join Skype by signing in with your Microsoft account or you can simply create a new account for Skype. To create an account for Skype on your iPad:
Start Skype and tap Create account. like window shown on the right side.
We'll take you through the process of creating your new account for Skype.
You’re now ready to start using Skype on your iPad. You can also use your account on any device that runs Skype, such as your computer, mobile phone, tablet or TV.
3) Sign in to Skype
Make sure that you’re connected to the internet through WiFi or a 3G/4G network, and follow the steps below to sign in to Skype.
Start Skype. You'll see this screen:
Type your Skype Name, Microsoft account email address or phone number, then tap the arrow.
Type your password for the account you've chosen and tap Sign in.
Then we will guide how to a. Add Contacts
b. Invite Friends to Skype
c. Start Tele-conference with friends in Skype
d. Type Instant message : Remote communication
Also, Learn how to add a profile picture, change your mood message and personalize your profile information. However, you cannot use personalized ringtones on Skype for iPhone, you can only use the preloaded Skype ringtone.
6) Benefit of Skype: Remote communication, Easy to Talk and See each other with relatives in Taiwan or Beijing, New York etc other cities
B. IPAD/Iphone -Skype/WeChat Training week 2:

IPAD/IPHONE: Skype/ WeChat (WeChat new users)
Continue Practice Skype internally in group
1) Group communication Video via Skype : https://youtu.be/yoBR724IraA
2) Convenient Online Help Functions: https://support.skype.com/en/skype/ipad/
3) Sign out of Skype:tap My info and then tap Sign out (you might have to scroll down to see this option)
WeChat Learning
Install WeChat – Download WeChat to your iPad/Iphone.
Join WeChat – Get a free account to enjoy instant messages and free calls and video calls with your friends.
Sign in to WeChat – Sign in and add your friends as contacts, then call, video call and instant message them, wherever you are.
1) Set up group practise: CCM Chinese Christian Ministry group
2) Fun Team Practice in WeChat
3) Question & Answer WeChat
C. IPAD-美篇 Training week 3:

IPAD/IPHONE: 美篇 I (New Users)
Install 美篇 – Download美篇to your iPad.
Join美篇 – Get a free account to enjoy compiling pictures and writings to generate nice paper to share
Sign in to美篇 – Sign in edit your paper with music link, paper to share with friends wherever you are.
1) 美篇Installation:
Download free美篇 from APP store
2) Join美篇: Set up account
3) Sign in to美篇: With your username and password or you can logon using wechat
Learning and Practice:
1) Add Title of a paper
2) Add Text of a paper
3) Add Photos
4) Generate a nice paper with your own name
5) Write a paper
Home work:
1) Take seven beautiful pictures each day
2) Write a journal of your experience like cooking, sight-seeing, tourism, observations, beautiful nature, bible verses which inspired you most etc.
3) Prepare to send to teacher for reviewing next week

D. IPAD-美篇 Training week 4:
IPAD/IPHONE: 美篇 II (New Users) (9:30-11:00)
1) Every one presents what you have done in class
(6 minutes/each one)
2) Question and Answer
3) Improvement and Practice
4) Teacher reviewing & encouragement
5) Enhance the learning experience
6) Enjoy sharing with your own friends and be expert... +:-)
E IPAD-Bible Verse Training week 5:
Install Holy Bible – Download Holy Bible to your iPad.
Join Holy Bible – Get a free account to enjoy daily verses to learn and share
Sign in to Holy Bible – Sign in edit your favorite bible verse with photos you like and share with friends.
1) Bible Installation:
Download Holy bible from App Store
2) Join Bible group
Create an account using your email and set up a password
3) Sign in to the Holy Bible
You will see the daily verses from Lord in the morning
4) Generate featured bible verse
Choose your favorite verse and photos subsequently
5) Modify fond, color and size of letters and generate a picture.
6) Onsite practice: Choose assigned bible verse to generate 7 pictures
7) Add them to美篇 to generate a paper of Bible Quotes. :-)
F IPAD-PicWall HD Training week 6:
Install PicWall – Download PicWall to your iPad.
Join PicWall – Get a free account to enjoy combining photos
Sign in to PicWall – Sign in edit your favorite bible verse with photos you like and share with friends.
1) PicWall Installation:
Download PicWall from App Store
2) Generate featured PicWall pictures
Choose your favorite background and photos subsequently
3) Modify fond, color and size of letters and generate a picture.
4) Onsite practice: Choose nice photos, words, stickers etc.
5) Save the image in IPAD, or Email to friends. :-)
6) Hope you enjoy and Have Fun!
G. Every student will have IPAD studying Certificate provided by AE&E 7G Inc.
In God's Love,
Best Regards and Blessings
Instructor: Hong Mei Ph.D
VP of AE&E 7G Inc.