It is my great honor and pleasure to attend #FundamentalsofVisualizationwithTableau instructed by Prof. Desiree Albortt in University of California, Davis. It is interesting to participate #MakeoverMonday project and create our view on States Fiscal Ranking 2019 Week15. You can click on the graph, which will lead you to Tableau Public interactive view. Hope you enjoy. We also appreciate Prof. Albortt, twitter host Eva Murray, CharlieHTableau for reviewing. Welcome and appreciate your feedback.
Interaction operation tips:
1) You can simply click the state bar to expand the project
2) Use Ctrl+Click to select multiple states to compare
3) You can download our workbook and data, explore yourself deeper
Data source:, US census region file
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. ~Mathew 6:33
Be kind, Stay safe and stay healthy. See you next time.