By July 5th, 2020, There are more than 11 Million people were confirmed to be contracted with Covid-19, of which 532,600 people died from the invisible virus. We would seek for Sun, which present God's love for people on earth.
At this global challenging pandemic, we are honored and blessed to keep on our analysis last week. We humbly update you with our latest analysis by this video summary. Hope the combination of scientific analysis and public health recommendation can help people better prevention and protection.
You are welcome to contact us if you have any constructive suggestion and comments. Stay safe, Stay Healthy, Be Kind, Be Peaceful and Be Grateful. You are welcome to share. May God bless you and US with health, peace and kindness. Best Regards and Have a great new week.
Hope you enjoy the July 4th,2020 Independence Day Fireworks shown by Revive Music
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 13:20
Viewgraph and Video: Denny, Pinkmei, Michelle, Pixabay
Verses: Holy Bible
Data Source: Johns Hopkins University, Stanford University, US CDC, European CDC, Visual Capital
Acknowledgement : Mark Winchester (SBA), Rich Sears (Stanford University), Phillip Jong (Shell), Mr. George (US CDC), Maya Thomas (MD, Stanford University)
Scientific Analysis: AE&E 7G Inc.
Editor: Dr. Hong Mei